Are my feelings merely serving as a support system for him?

My partner is one of the few men I’ve met that is cool with me having an escort job in London, and he’s a terrific person overall. Having said that, I’ve begun to question the nature of our relationship as of late. Despite his claims of affection, I am the one who appears to be the one who must provide emotional support. It seems like we talk for hours every time I get home late from my escort duty in London. He can do it his way, but I really need to sleep.

As far as I am aware, my lover has had numerous relationships. Every one of his relationships, he claims, has ended in tears. He claims that every one of his girlfriends has kinked him. I understand now why this has transpired. Although he is generally a pleasant guy, he has a knack for finding fault with everything. Since I’ve gotten into the habit of listening to men while working at London Escorts, I suppose that’s what I do when I get home. What this man has to say has my attention.

Is it fair for one spouse to act as the breadwinner? This type of relationship is not new to me. It may be effective for certain individuals. London escorts at has introduced me to several wonderful men who are happy to help those in need. But I have also encountered many men who appear to be in need. Even though I’m not convinced it’s a healthy answer for relationships, I’ve become accustomed to it. It would be easier said than done, but I really need to figure out how to assert myself and refuse to talk to this guy. You get used to taking care of men when you work for an escort business in London. After a while, you start to accept it as your fate.

I genuinely do not want to end things with this person. Although I enjoy having a long-term partner, I despise his extreme emotional dependence. London escorts are undoubtedly a contributing factor. Being an escort for a London agency will boost your self-esteem to new heights. It is challenging, and often annoying, to deal with people who lack emotional confidence. My present partner is not one of those self-assured men, and I know this deep down in my soul.

What am I to do? After my London escorts job is over, I just don’t believe I can handle spending another night chatting. Things will not magically improve, though, so I must be patient. My partner is considering seeing a counsellor after I mentioned it to him. He hasn’t scheduled an appointment yet. Our relationship will end soon enough unless he takes something to improve his emotional condition, though. Perhaps it’s just me, but I always seem to wind up with guys who are emotionally dependent. I wish I could make a difference here, but I doubt it will ever be possible.


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